4041 N. High St. -
Columbus, OH 43214 - (614) 754-8852
Bookstores need to reach out to their customers and BookSite makes it easy with e-newsletters. Delivering
important information straight to the source is the best way to drive traffic to your store, maintain local support
and boost sales.
With Booksite:
Using the BookSite Events Module saves staff time. Events automatically fall off the page after they occur,
keeping the page current at all times. You can choose to automatically send e-invitations two days prior to
the event to guests who signed up to receive this feature. Book jackets link to order and availability page so
the customer can easily reserve the book or buy it on your website.
The In-store inventory feature allows customers to see books that are currently stocked on your shelves
and allow them the convenience of reserving the book on-line to pick up at your store.
The Merchandise Module features processing of SKU inventory reports from your POS system, 40 catalog
pages, searching on general categories, custom linking for any item, and integration with general books
shopping cart.
BookSite's widgets generate dynamic links anywhere on a store's site that lead directly to custom BookSite
content. Widgets will keep your web pages fresh and ever changing without knowing web page design. When
you update the content of your page, the widget will also update without having to re-generate the code.
BookSite's massive content library is easily accessible through our state of the art, super fast search engine
and includes:
BookSite not only provides millions of pages of content, but we keep your web visitors on your website
rather than leading them outside to a third party.